Book/ Narrative Illustration
Homesick - 2023 | A book about the odd teetering feelings of being back home after being away for a long time.

Why Weep - 2024 |
A illustrated poem I wrote about a willow tree I was observing during a course called “Winter Tree Watching.”
The shape of the book is inspired by the wispy tendrils of willow trees. The branch in the spine of the book is a willow tree branch that I found lying on the ground near the tree, and thought would be a nice detail for remembrance. The undulating writing in the book reflects the movement of the branches weaving in the wind. I created the companioning illustrations by layering amber tracing paper, colour pencils, and chalk pastel, taking inspiration from the observational drawings I did for the class.

About poem:
I was wondering why weeping willows droop down when they seem to have all the space above to reach upwards. Their branches descending against the norm of trees seeking the sun. While the tree's main growth aims upward, its branches sway downward, prompting my curiosity. Could it be an evolutionary adaptation for seed dispersal or enhanced endurance of winds I wondered. Perhaps it aids in capturing more sunlight or nutrients? However, my research unveiled a fascinating truth - it was a genetic mutation that humans propagated to live on because they liked how it looked! This paradox of nature, both eerie and enchanting, inspired me to create this poem.

Juicebox - 2021 |
A fictional manual guide on how to take care of your living juiceboxes!